App Muncher

Issues faced - solutions identified - shared with community.

I installed .Net Framework 4.5 on Win 2008 Server.
After installing it, the application started throwing following error:

Operation could destabilize the runtime 

I checked the TargetFramework and updated it to 4.5, but this didn't solve it.
Verified .Net Framework version in IIS and it only showed v4.0

Figured out :  4.5 does not install side-by-side of 4.0, but instead it’s a drop-in replacement that is supposed to (there are some kinks to be worked out still) be backwards compatible. So even though you target 4.0, you are still running on the 4.5 runtime.

To overcome the error i installed the update for .Net Framework 4.5 which is available at

After installing this update Orchard application ran successfully.

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