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Auto deploy a website in IIS (created using IIS version 7.5)

  1. Open IIS, go to Default Web Site 
  2. Right-click Default Web Site, Highlight Deploy and select Import Application.

  3. Select the package location and click NEXT.
  4. Select all contents in the package.
  5. Specify Site Name and hit NEXT
  6. Wait till package is unpacked and installed.
  7. Verify Summary and click FINISH
  8. Verify in IIS a new package is listed under Default Web Site
  9. Delete this package and verify the folder structure is left.
  10. Right-Click sites and Add a new Website
    1. Give it a name and point the physical path to deployed folder under \\inetpub\wwwroot, specify a unique port number
    2. Verify the new website is listed under sites and a new app pool is created in Application Pools
  11. Go to the app pool, check advance settings and update the following:
    1. .Net Framework - should match as specified in web.config
    2. Enable 32 bit Application - True
    3. Load User Profile - True
    4. Rapid Fail Protection (Enabled)- True
  12. Open web.config and update the following:
    1. <add key="LogTicketEmailTo" value=""/>
    2. <add key="EmailErrorEnabled" value="true"/>
    3. <add key="EmailErrorFrom" value=""/>
    4. <add key="EmailErrorRecipients" value=""/>
    5. <add key="EmailErrorCCRecipients" value=""/>
    6. <add key="SitePath" value="http://connect:8083"/>
    7. <add key="GeneralUserRoleName" value="Test"/>
    8. <add key="ROLE" value="24"/>
    9. <add key="BypassCertificateError" value="true"/>
    10. <add key="AgentPath" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\XXXX.exe"/>
    11. <add key="WebServieUsername" value="XXXXXX"/>
    12. <add key="WebServicePassword" value="XXXXXX"/>
    13. <add key="deleteConfigFile" value="true"/>                                                           NOTE: The above web config options will be based on your local app configuration. The above are added as an example for reference.
  13. Open ConnectionStrings.config and update datasource and catalogue.
  14. Go to \\App_Data\Settings\Sites\Default\ update datasource and catalogue in Settings.txt
  15. Open the website directory root folder and update Security settings and add the custom AppPool as user with R/W and execute permissions.
  16. Restart the website

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