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Connect can be deployed on IIS in 2 modes:

A. When IDENTITY is ApplicationPoolIdentity

  1. Verify .Net Framework 4.0 is installed on the Machine. (Currently CONNECT is 
    compatible with Framework 4.0)
    Note: If .Net Framework 4.5 is installed on a machine, changes are required in compiled code.
  2. Install IIS with the following components on the machine:
    a. Web Management Tools
    b. IIS 6 Management Capabilities
    c. IIS Management Console
    d. IIS Management Scripts and Tools
    e. IIS Management Services
    f. .Net Extensibility X.X
    g. ASP.NET X.X
    h. Common HTTP Features and Sub options
    i. HTTP logging
  3. Install Open Office (3.4.1?)
  4. Install ABCPDF version 9.1
  5. Install ReferralNet Agent current version available on the website (Service Mode).
  6. Copy Site folder in INETPUB
  7. In IIS Create a new site: Specify Port 8080
  8. In IIS go to Application Pool and in Advance Settings update the following:
    1. General (.NET Framework Version) – 4.0
    2. General (Enable 32 bit) – True
    3. Process Model (Identity) – ApplicationPoolIdentity
    4. Process Mode (Load User Profile) – True
    5. Rapid Fail Protection (Enabled) – False
  9. Go to website folder, open Properties, select Security and add IIS_USER with R/W permission
  10. Open Web.Config and update the following:
    1. specify the correct support Email ID as required in
    2. Specify the correct value for key="SitePath"
    3. Specify the correct ReferralNetAgent.exe path for  key="ReferralNetAgentPath"
    4. Verify the ReferralNet web service endPoints
  11. Open ConnectionStrings.config and specify the Data Source and database name for MasterCareEMR
  12. Open Settings.txt (Location -- \\inetpub\CONNECT\App_Data\Sites\Default) and 
    Specify Data Source & database name for connect (MCEMRBPPDB)
  13. Start the website.

B. When IDENTITY is a Custom Account

Custom Set Up - Using “Custom Account” rather than “Built-in Account” as
  1. Verify .Net Framework 4.0 is installed on the Machine. (Currently CONNECT is 
    compatible with Framework 4.0)
    Note: If .Net Framework 4.5 is installed on a machine, changes are required in compiled code.
  2. Install IIS with the following components on the machine:
    a. Web Management Tools
    b. IIS 6 Management Capabilities
    c. IIS Management Console
    d. IIS Management Scripts and Tools
    e. IIS Management Services
    f. .Net Extensibility X.X
    g. ASP.NET X.X
    h. Common HTTP Features and Sub options
    i. HTTP logging
  3. Install Open Office
  4. Install ABCPDF version 9.1
  5. Install ReferralNet Agent current version available on the website (Service Mode).
  6. Create a new Local User Account on the machine as MCEMRWorker
    1. Give it a STRONG password
    2. Check option “User cannot change password” and “Password never expires”
    3. Remove it from the Users Group and add it to IIS_USERS group (verify if group name is changed)
  7. Create a new Local User Account on the machine as MCEMRGuest
    1. Give it a STRONG password
    2. Check option “User cannot change password” and “Password never expires”
    3. Remove it from the Users Group
  8. Copy Site folder in INETPUB
  9. Add following permission to site folder:
    2. MCEMRWorker has modify access
    3. MCEMRGuest has Read and Execute access
    4. Remove all other permissions
  10. In IIS Create a new site: Specify Port e.g. 8080
  11. In IIS go to Application Pool and in Advance Settings update the following:
    1. General (.NET Framework Version) – 4.0
    2. General (Enable 32 bit) – True
    3. Process Model (Identity) – MCEMRWorker
    4. Anonymous Authentication to MCEMRGuest
    5. Process Mode (Load User Profile) – True
    6. Rapid Fail Protection (Enabled) – False
  12. In SQL Server setup user for MCEMRWorker and set as DB Owner for both databases MasterCareEMR and MCEMRBPPDB
  13. Go to website folder Properties à Security and add MCEMRWorker with Read/Write/Modify/Execute permission
  14. Go to website folder open Properties, select Security and add MCEMRGuest with Read/Execute permission
    Note: Repeat step 13 and 14 for ReferralNet Agent installation folder and in \\ProgramData\ReferralNet-Agent
  15. Open Web.Config and update the following
    1. specify the correct support Email ID as required in
    2. Specify the correct value for key="SitePath"
    3. Specify the correct ReferralNetAgent.exe path for  key="ReferralNetAgentPath"
    4. Verify the ReferralNet web service endPoints
  16. Open ConnectionStrings.config and specify the Data Source and database name for MasterCareEMR.
  17. Open Settings.txt (Location -- \\inetpub\CONNECT\App_Data\Sites\Default) and Specify 
    Data Source & database name for connect (MCEMRBPPDB)
  18. Start the website.
  1. Verify ReferralNet web services endpoint in web config and update it based on environment either Production or Staging.
  2. Install MastercareEMR Admin Client. 
  3. The Mastercare EMR database to which connect is linked has some connect specific columns.
    Update EMR DB using the attached script. 
     3. Specify PDF saved path in EMR database organisation table for field PDFSavedPath. This path is \\inetpub\wwwwroot\MCEMRBPP.deploy\Temp\.
         Note: R/W privileges must be specified for defaultapppool on this folder
    4. Update MasterCareEMR database Organisation table PDFSavedPath field. Specify the temp path of deployed package.
        e.g. \\inetpub\wwwroot\Orchard.Web_deploy\Temp\
    5. Specify ReferralNet account details in Team used to access connect.

For Reference:
IIS v 8.0.9200 Win 8 with .Net Framework 4.5 Installed

IIS v 7 in Win Server 2008 R2

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