Hi Bloggers, Just a heads up in the basic LINUX terminal commands,
1. Check Present Working Directory (PWD) - tells me where am i trolling at this moment.
2. Check directory contents: LS
2.1 LS -A (lists all the contents names)
2.2 LS -L (lists all contents read write status)
3. Go to a specific folder CD ./path of file/
4. Create a new file in current folder TOUCH temp.text
5. Move a file to another location MV ./File Current path/File Name ./File New Location/File Name
6. Delete a file RM MV ./File Current path/File Name ./File New Location/File Name
7. Read a file CAT File_Name,
8. Edit a file VI File_Name.
9. Quit Editing ESC + :x (Save and Quit), ESC + :qa (save and quit), ESC + :q (Quit without save).
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