App Muncher

Issues faced - solutions identified - shared with community.

Came across a scenario where the Select statement output was only based on a CASE statement and the output was required with an ALIAS_NAME.

Here is an example to understand it precisely:

(CASE  when roles.code = 'MAIL' THEN '1'
      when roles.code = 'BUSIN' THEN '2'
      when roles.code = 'HOME' THEN '3'
      when roles.code = 'TEMP' THEN '4'
      ELSE '5'
FROM   addres addss,
       roles roles
WHERE  roles.addss_refno = addss.addss_refno
AND    roles.refno = 3889027
AND    addss.adtyp  = 'POSTL'
--AND    roles.code  = 'MAIL'
AND    roles.start_dttm <= SYSDATE
AND    ( roles.end_dttm > SYSDATE
       OR roles.end_dttm IS NULL )
AND    roles.archv = 'N'
AND    addss.ARCHV = 'N'
order by roles.code desc;

The output was displayed with an Alias == CODE_ALIAS

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